GCP Products - Google Cloud Platform Products

API Management

Regions and Zones

Regions are independent geographic areas that consist of multiple zones. A zone is a deployment area for Google Cloud resources within a region; each zone represents a single failure domain within a region.

Fault tolerance

To help protect against expected downtime (including maintenance) and help protect against unexpected downtime like incidents, you can deploy fault-tolerant applications that have high availability and deploy your applications across multiple zones in one or more regions

Multi-zonal deployments can provide resiliency if multi-region deployments are limited due to cost or other considerations. 

Latency and Regions

Latency impacts the user experience and affects costs associated with serving external users. To minimize latency when serving traffic to external users, select a region or set of regions that are geographically close to your users and where your services run in a compliant way.

Select region based on user proximity

Latency directly impacts the user experience. Sometimes it also impact costs associated with serving external users. 

To reduce latency when serving traffic to external users, select a region or set of regions that are geographically close to your users and where your services run in a compliant way.

Select region based on service availability

Select a region based on the available services that your application require. Most services are available across all regions. Some enterprise-specific services might be available in a subset of regions with their initial release. 

Resource hierarchy in GCP projects

Google Cloud resources are arranged hierarchically in organizations, folders, and projects. 

This hierarchy lets users manage common aspects of your resources like access control, configuration settings, and policies. 

Use folders and projects to reflect data governance policies

Use folders, subfolders, and projects to separate resources from each other to reflect data governance policies within your organization. For example, you can use a combination of folders and projects to separate financial, human resources, and engineering.

Use projects to group resources that share the same trust boundary. 

For example, resources for the same product or microservice can belong to the same project. 

Labels and Tags to manage GCP resources

A tag provides a way to conditionally allow or deny policies based on whether a resource has a specific tag. A label is a key-value pair that helps you organize your Google Cloud instances.

Users can use labels for multiple purposes, including the following:

Resource Hierarchy vs Resource Context Manager

Access Context Manager facilitates administrators to access controls based on attributes of resources.

Resource Hierarchy - facilitate ownership hierarchy .  It also provide inheritence for organization policies

Datacenter vs Zone vs Region

Data centers has physical assets e.g. VM, storage disks etc

Zone consist of Data centers

Region consist of Zones

Global resources

Regions resources

Zonal resource

Machine type is a zonal resource

How many parents a resource can have in GCP


Support case status

When to use firebase storage

User generated content from apps

Priority of case

P1-  production infra is unstable, data integrity issues, revenue loss

P2 - production infrastructure is degraded, productivity loss, danger of revenue loss

P3 - Business impact is low

P4 - when business impact is minimal to null

Type of issues

 Which IAM policy needed to view Quota for organization