Tips for GCP


Local SSD vs Persistent Disk

Local SSD is attached locally.

Persistent disk offer block storage. It is reliable and high performance for VM

Local SSD are useful for media rendering and Cache scenario

Preemptible VM and batch jobs

For running batch jobs, preemptible VMs are most appropriate

Migrate workloads

Secret Manager vs Cloud Key Management

Secret manager is used to store API keys, password and certificates. 

Cloud Key management is used for encryption keys

Security command center is other area. It is used to defend google cloud assets against threats

Billing Access Control vs Quotas vs Budgets vs Resource Hierarchy


Bigtable vs Cloudsql vs Cloud-Spanner vs Firestore

Bigtable - column store, key value pair

Firestore - Document database

Cloud Spanner - Distributed SQL database

Cloud Logging vs Cloud Monitoring vs Cloud Trace vs Cloud Debugger

Cloud Logging - use for real time management and analysis of logs

Cloud Monitoring - Monitor health, performance, availability.  Produce metrics

Cloud Trace - identify production performance bottlenecks

Cloud Debugger - debug/investigate

test 3

Cloud Interconnect vs Cloud NAT

Cloud interconnect - connect on prem network to Google network

Cloud NAT - allow application in private instances to access internet.

Cloud Artifact Registry vs Cloud Container Registry vs Source Repo

Container registry - store private container images

Artificat registry - It is a developer tool that allow customer to store artifacts and secure software container supply chain

Coud source repo - private git hosted 

Your organization uses Active Directory to authenticate users. Users. Google account access must be removed when their Active Directory account is terminated.

How should your organization meet this requirement?

Configure single sign-on in the Google domain