FAQ - KreateWebsites

What is Kreate Website and What it is not - FAQ

Q -  Is KreateWebsite  a UI Website builder. (like Wix, Weebly etc)

Ans - NO.  Instead you just drop your content and programmatically kreatewebsites create a beautiful website.

Q. Do you need to know programming to use KreatWebsites?  

NO.  You just focus on providing content - text, data, images or video links.

Q.  How do you use it and build brand.

A .  You just provide content.

You can additionaly /optinally fill details like which theme, layout, image size, how to link pages etc.

Kreatewebsites use your preference and build/generate/deploy/test website for you.

Q. Why will you use it? What is value prop

Ans.   Website builder let you define website but they take time.  You have to spend time regularly.

Assume you have to manage a site with 10,000 pages or 1 million page.

Assume you have to manage 50 site and each have 10-100 pages.

With KreateWebsite one person can add content , build , deploy and test.


Website management is complex for businesses. Kreatewebsite let you focus on content.  It can come from any place.   

Kreatewebsite intelligent engine - integrate and convert it into files to render it on browser.

Q. What about website performance

Ans : This is best part.  As Kreatewebsites combine content and build it for web. We can gurantee fastest response time compared to any other platform.

Q. Is it Secure?

Ans: Absolutely.  Your website can be accessed over https://

As web content is build upfront - there is no opportunity to hack.  

Programmatic content generation also test for changes.

Kreatewebsite provide best security for websites.