

Automate project creation in GCP

To create projects for production and large-scale businesses, use an automated process such Deployment Manager or the Google Cloud project factory Terraform module.

These tools do the following:

  • Automatically create development, test, and production environments or projects that have the appropriate permissions.

  • Configure logging and monitoring.

The Google Cloud project factory Terraform module helps you to automate the creation of Google Cloud projects.

In large enterprises, we recommend that you review and approve projects before you create them in Google Cloud. This process helps to ensure the following:

  • Costs can be attributed.

  • Approvals are in place for data uploads.

  • Regulatory or compliance requirements are met.

When you automate the creation and management of Google Cloud projects and resources, you get the benefit of consistency, reproducibility, and testability.

Treating your configuration as code lets you version and manage the lifecycle of your configuration together with your software artifacts. Automation lets you support best practices like consistent naming conventions and labeling of resources. As your requirements evolve, automation simplifies project refactoring.